Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Christianity vs. Greek Mythology

Throughout many ages religion has been a very important part of history. It shaped many cultures and allowed us to better understand many civilizations. Two of these cultures are those of the Christians and Greeks. Both have similarities and differences in their religious beliefs that have been compared often and I have chosen to discuss the similarities and differences of Christianity and ancient Greek mythology. Christianity is a monotheistic religion, or belief in only one God, and spiritual practices are based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as written in the New Testament of the Bible, with the role of Jesus as savior and the Son of God. Greek mythology is a polytheistic religion, which is the belief in and worship of multiple deities, called gods and goddesses, belonging to the culture of ancient Greece. Even though their definitions are different, the faith of Christianity and one God and the culture of the Greeks in mythology of many gods are alike in a number of ways. To begin, in both religions humans believe that there are speakers for their God/gods. These people include pastors, priests and nuns in Christianity, and storytellers or prophets in Greek times. Furthermore, the people believe that their God or gods are above humans. Both cultures believe a god is above all mortal and of this earth, and he or she listens to people when they need help, and have supernatural power to help. This is why both the Christians and the Greeks pray to their God and gods for forgiveness. Another similarity between the religious beliefs of these two cultures is that they have explanations for many of ancient mysteries of life and major events on earth. The ancient Greeks and early Christians tried to find an explanation for the evil in the world, and both blame a woman for man’s downfall. Greeks believe a woman named Pandora opened a forbidden box and released all evil into the world. Christians believe a woman named Eve released evil after eating from a forbidden tree. Also, in both the ancient Greek and Christian beliefs of the early world, there exist stories of great floods that destroyed most of humankind. In Greek mythology, Zeus orders a man named Deucalion to make a chest in which he and his family can survive the flood Zeus was going to bring upon the earth. In the Bible, the account of Christian beliefs, God orders a man named Noah to build an ark in which he and his family, and two of each animal, can survive the destruction from a flood God was going to send. War was also a common characteristic of both the ancient Greek world and of the Biblical world. For example, the Trojan War is a major event in Greek history, and is written about most famously in Homer's Iliad. The gods always seemed to play important roles in this war, especially Zeus, Ares the god of war, and the other and goddesses living on Mount Olympus. Wars between Greek city-states were also common, with gods and goddesses almost always involved in them in some way. In similar comparison, the Bible accounts many stories of wars between different countries and religious groups, with God being involved in some way in the outcome or fate of the peoples. One of the most famous examples is the war between the Philistines and the Israelites. In this war, God interfered and sent a small shepherd boy David to save the Israelites. David does so by killing the giant Goliath, a super-human thing he would not have been able to accomplish without God's help. These examples show the cross-cultural belief that war was an important event in the ancient world, and the gods, and God, played significant roles. While Christianity and ancient Greek mythology have many similarities, there are key differences. The main and most obvious difference is that Christian belief is about only one God, and its beliefs and commandments are written about in the Bible. Christians regard the stories told in Bible as actual historical accounts of important people, events and concepts of faith. Greek mythology had 13 major gods and goddesses, and many lesser gods. Different Greek cities also worshipped different deities. There is no book like the â€Å"Bible†, rather many collections of stories that shaped early Greek culture. In short, Greek mythology was created to be the Greek's science for why things happened. Once they thought they figured out how things really happened, the belief in gods and goddesses faded away from Greek culture. The final difference I want to discuss to compare the ancient Greek creation story and that of Christian belief. In the ancient Greek story, at first there was only Chaos, a shapeless mass of darkness and meaninglessness. Out of Chaos came Nyx (night) and Erebus (the unfathomable deep). The first god to come into existence was Gaea, Mother Earth, though no one knows where she came from or how she came into being. Uranus, Father Sky, was born of Gaea as she slept. He became her husband, and together they had many children. One of these first gods’ descendants was Zeus. After much war between the gods and goddesses, Zeus became most powerful and assigned two lower gods the task of populating the earth with mortal creatures. With that task, one of the two gods granted so many gifts on the lower animals that when the time came to create man, there was nothing left. The beasts already had the sharp teeth and claws, the warm fur and feathers, the tough, protective hides, the wings and shells, speed, size, and strength. The wiser of these two lower gods was given task to figure out what gifts to bestow on man. The gods gave man a more noble, upright stance, so man would be above the beasts, with his face turned toward the heavens rather then down toward the ground. He also gave man an intelligence that reached much higher than the beasts’ mere cunning. In the Christian creation story, God was present in the beginning and He created the universe. At first the earth was shapeless and covered in darkness, and God's spirit hovered over the waters. God said, â€Å"Let there be light†. And there was light. God divided the day from the night, naming them ‘ day' and ‘night'. On the second through fifth day God made the heavens, commanded the waters to fill with living creatures and the air to fill with birds. On the sixth day God commanded the earth to bring forth all kinds of living creatures and He saw that it was good. God then said † Let us make man in our own image†. So God created man and woman in his own likeness and gave them authority over all living things. Adam, the first man, was created by God out of soil and given life by God's breath. Adam named all the animals and birds that God had made, But Adam had no companion of his own so God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep and created woman – Eve- from one of Adam's ribs. In addition, unlike the beginning void of Chaos in Greek mythology, God is not a void of nothingness, but the beginning of all things. God also remains the ruler of the entire world in Biblical stories, while the Greek Chaos is forced out by several actual divine beings, the most important and permanent of those being Zeus. In conclusion I found there to be many interesting similarities between Christian faith and ancient Greek religious culture, but one final difference is that Christianity is practiced today and the Bible widely read in many countries and published in many languages, while ancient Greek belief system has faded away and become the stories of fantastical books, myths and legends.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

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Men's employment status is still their main source of self-worth (Bronzed and Herrmann 1999; Broodier 2001; Connell 2002; Hear 2004), and thus advertising, which aims to convince men that they should take consumption more seriously needs to place commodities in the context of public achievement – particularly if these also involve purchases for the sterilization of men's own bodies, their personal appearance and the personal realm in general.Yet, even the growing impact of male lifestyle magazines – mainly addressing younger men – has not been totally successful in persuading mainstream adult men that they should consume in a more conspicuous way: on the one hand more like women, yet still distinctively as ‘real' men. Therefore, advertising uses all tricks of the trade to masculine its products through its promotional appeals, to invoice the male target group that it Is no longer enough Just to be a man and act like a man: the message is that men must demon strate and legitimate dominant status by masculine ways of consumption (Williamson 1986; Nixon 2003, Gristle 1998).In her study of popular media from a feminist perspective, van Zone maintains that as a cultural form, ‘advertising displays a preoccupation with gender that Is hardly matched In any genre' (1994: 67). Referring to Saffron's seminal work of 1979 on gender and advertisements, van Zone underlines the obsession with gender which is typical for advertising as a form of popular culture: ‘This obsession Is said to spring from the â€Å"signifying power† of gender.Advertisements and commercials need to convey meaning within limited space and time and will therefore exploit symbols that are relevant and salient to society as a whole. As one of the most deeply felt elements of subjectivity and the social structure, gender provides such symbols most effectively (1994: 67). The typical conventions In advertisements addressing either men or women reflect he struc tural gendered differences based on the private/public dichotomy.Stereotypically, female audiences are addressed with fantasies of Woman as body, as object or provider of physical pleasure for others, whether In sexualities or non- sexualities ways. The personal, Intimate context and the care for self or other are always emphasized, either 220 Martha convince the male target group that it is no longer enough Just to be a man and act status by masculine ways of consumption (Williamson 1986; Nixon 2003, Sureties hat as a cultural form, ‘advertising displays a preoccupation with gender that is hardly matched in any genre' (1994: 67).Referring to Saffron's seminal work of 1979 which is typical for advertising as a form of popular culture: ‘This obsession is said to The typical conventions in advertisements addressing either men or women reflect the structural gendered differences based on the private/public dichotomy. Object or provider of physical pleasure for others, wheth er in sexualities or non- sexualities ways. The personal, intimate context and the care for self or other are

Monday, July 29, 2019

Media Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Media Management - Essay Example This essay stresses that rdio and television managers must share the same basic principles of responsible journalism as the people they hire in running their newsrooms. Regardless of how enthusiastic, well trained and forward thinking journalists may be, public affairs and news programming stand little chance of growth unless the motivation and expertise of airing something, with the exception of music, is nurtured at the management level. This paper makes a conclusion that inexperienced station managers may view maintenance of news as capital intensive and very risky politically and decide not to venture into it. Such managers must familiarize themselves with the numerous examples from other media houses in recent years where the risks have paid off well in terms of loyal audiences, favorable public perception and increased revenue. Managers should evaluate the skills of their newsroom in order to understand the qualities of good news and public affairs programs and also how to maximize advertisement sales due to the effect of local news programming. Media managers must also familiarize themselves with the basics of journalistic ethics because it is them who will the final arbiters and not journalists whenever there are accusations, disputes or ethical calls to be addressed. Media house management should acquaint themselves with key functions of media management such as ethics and law in broadcasting, technology and e ngineering, station promotion and identification and production and creativity. Others include sales principles, advertising and pricing, structure of a radio or TV station, and broadcast programming. Hierarchy of organizational communications needs Just like Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, there is also a hierarchy of organizational communications. The basic level of communication is the customer service that involves being available to execute communications on a responsive and professional basis, but not ordering anything more. This involves the media personnel just doing their job and has been compared to Maslow's physiological needs for food, shelter and water. From customer service, the level of communication goes up to 'media' where an appropriate range of media resources where the work is well produced and receives a high audience rating. This is a very secure and safe way of meeting the needs of the customers but does not add anything more. It is very much like Maslow's human safety need. Achieving the third level of communication requires a little more effort since media development becomes more goal-oriented because it defines the audience and the message and sets priorities to reach its communication objectives. This is the stage where communications becomes more proactive and the level of the work must be scaled down to the level of the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Paper review and research on the article The Nature of Love by Harry

Review and on the article The Nature of Love by Harry Harlow - Research Paper Example Through the rigorous study of the effects of separation and maternal care on infant monkeys, Harlow challenged many of the then established truths in psychology. a) Hypothesis Harlow’s (1958) hypothesis in this article is that "primary object-clinging," a need for intimate physical contact, which is initially associated with the mother† (p. 674) could be primary as opposite to the needs such as hunger and thirst. Further, the article attempts to examine the â€Å"relative importance of the stimulus variables determining the affectional or love responses in the neonatal and infant primate’ (Harlow, 1958, p. 674). b) Methods Harlow made the baby rhesus monkeys isolated from their mothers and they were given the choices of a two surrogate mothers, one made exclusively from terrycloth and the other from wire. Neonatal infant macaque monkey was used as the subject of Harlow’s research. Harlow’s team had three years of experience in working with rhesus mo nkeys. He used them for experiments as they mature more speedily than human infants but do not have much difference from the human infants in terms of â€Å"basic responses relating to affection, including nursing, contact, clinging, and even visual and auditory exploration† and more importantly, â€Å"the development of perception, fear, frustration, and learning capability follows very similar sequences in rhesus monkeys and human children† (ibid). The method of Harlow’s team involved the separation of infant monkeys from their mothers for definite times at definite intervals. For instance, they â€Å"had separated more than 60 of these animals from their mothers 6 to 12 hours after birth and suckled them on tiny Bottles† (Harlow, 1958, p. 674). The body of the surrogate mothers did not differ much â€Å"other than in the quality of the contact comfort which she can supply† (Harlow, 1958, p. 676). c) Results The result of the experiments was that the â€Å"bottle fed babies were healthier and heavier than monkey-mother-reared infants’ (Harlow, 1958, p. 675). It was mainly because of human scientists were more capable of feeding the infant monkey with better nutritious food and providing them with better care. More importantly, it was found that the â€Å"laboratory-raised babies showed strong attachment to the cloth pads (folded gauze diapers) which were used to cover the hardware-cloth floors of their cages. The infants clung to these pads and engaged in violent temper tantrums when the pads were removed and replaced for sanitary reasons† (ibid). It has also been discovered that â€Å"a baby monkey raised on a bare wire-mesh cage floor survives with difficulty, if at all, during the first five days of life† (ibid). d) Conclusions Therefore, the conclusion is that â€Å"the baby, human or monkey, if it is to survive, must clutch at more than a straw† (ibid). It has proved that â€Å"contact com fort might be a very important variable in the development of the infant's affection for the mother† (ibid). The experiments results lead us to the conclusion that â€Å"With age and opportunity to learn, subjects with the lactating wire mother showed decreasing responsiveness to her and increasing responsiveness to the nonlactating cloth mother, a finding completely contrary to any interpretation of derived drive in which the mother form becomes conditioned to hunger-thirst reduction† (ibid, p. 676). The nursing variable, Harlow’

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Business Law - Essay Example this instance, the concept of unilateral and mutual mistakes under the Restatement (Second) of Contracts can be made use of by both the buyer and the seller. It is evident that, either both the parties made a mistake with regard to the value of the rock, or one of them (the owner through his inexperienced clerk) had made one. It is not clear in this instance whether the geologist had intentionally withheld his understanding of the rock’s value. But since the person (geologist) handed over the rock to experts for valuation, he may not be an expert and it can be assumed that it is a case of mutual mistakes. As per the Restatement (Second) of Contracts, â€Å"Where a mistake of both parties at the time of contract was made as to a basic assumption on which the contract was made has a material effect on the agreed exchange of performances, the contract is voidable by the adversely affected party unless he bears the risk of the mistake under the rule stated in 154† (Ayers, n .d.). It cannot be done in case of unilateral mistake. If it can be proved by the store owner that the geologist also made a mistake in assessing the value, he can make the contract voidable. But the geologist can take recourse to Section 154 mentioned above. Applying clause (b) of the section, the store owner had only limited knowledge about the stone and gave it to the geologist in the premise that he will have fairly good knowledge because of his professional qualifications. It is difficult to prove whether a person has limited or full knowledge of a product being exchanged in a contract. The store owner showed that he had limited knowledge, but not the geologist. In this instance there is every chance that the geologist may get full legal ownership of the stone. Since an employee is an agent of the employer, it does not matter whether the deal was done by the former. The choice of using the unconscionability clause is open to the store owner, but it is doubtful whether it can ov erride the

1968 in U.S. History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

1968 in U.S. History - Essay Example The period is characterized by the entrenching of the U.S in an unpopular war in Vietnam, while violence, experimentation, unrest, and outspokenness spread throughout the nation. Leaders were assassinated on an outwardly regular basis, the Civil Rights Movement got more powers, and psychedelic music and social experimentation were rampant in most parts of the country. Many scholars view this year as shameful, divisive, or sometimes as a year that galvanized change in America. 1968 was an apex of the gradual upheaval of the 1960s. Tension that had been accumulating for the past years ultimately came to head, across a whole year of violence, revolution and grief. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy were assassinated; unrest was rampant in Democratic National Convention, as the media covered the Tet Offensive to expose the horrible account of the Vietnam War. The fighting in the Saigon streets during the Tet Offensive or New Year made the Vietnam too real. According to one UPI reporter, the Vietnam in this year meant a first look at death. Photographers scampered from building to building gathering photos on the fighting in the outcasts of Saigon. The North Vietnamese communist groups’ launch of the Tet Offensive in January and its success against South Vietnamese and U.S troops caused discontent and shock across the home front and marked the most intense times of anti-war disputes to date. Apart from being the most difficult and saddest year in America, 1968 was also a presidential election year. President Lyndon Johnson was on the forefront in promoting civil rights legislation but he had also greatly increased American possibility in involving in the Vietnam War. It was therefore not easy for him to leave the White House without protesters being involved; he no longer had majority support and thus announced that he would not contest for the presidency. Eugene McCarthy, a senator from Minnesota engaged in these elections and succeeded in the pri maries. Following his success, New York’s Senator Robert Kennedy decided to enter the campaign too. For a long time then, Kennedy had served in one of the highest legal offices in the nation as Attorney General in the administration of his late brother, John Kennedy. Upon his announcement to run for presidency, most citizens were very pleased with his massage, where he promised to end the Vietnam war, and to reduce racism and poverty both in America and in the whole world. Another serious event was noted in April fourth, the same year; Martin Luther King, America’s top civil rights leader was shot to death in Tennessee. He was helping to negotiate a strike between the management and sanitation employees. This made Kennedy to deliver a speech to black citizens, convincing them that what had happened was against the wishes of Americans, since they disliked hatred, lawlessness, and violence, but embraced wisdom, love, and justice. However, these words did not calm down th e black community. Their leader, Luther had peacefully led civil rights movement, yet his death cultivated violence in more than one hundred cities nationally. Soldiers were called upon to settle the riots, and hundreds of citizens lost their lives or were injured. As the primary elections went on, Robert Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy tried to show how their ideologies differed, but voters could not notice the differences. They both opposed the Vietnam War; sought enhancements in civil rights; and both promoted social reforms. Kennedy led in primaries in Nebraska and Indiana, while McCarthy led in Oregon. California had the next big primaries, and Kennedy stated that he would withdraw if he was defeated in this significant contest. He won the elections and

Friday, July 26, 2019

The role of information systems management Essay

The role of information systems management - Essay Example The information collected from several resources gathers, and processes the same under the auspices of top executives in order to convert the collected information into a meaningful output. In olden days these complicated processes required manual labor; whereas with the evolution of information technology, human efforts have been replaced by technologically developed information systems. According to Ward (1995), the evolution of improved technologies changed and eliminated some aspects of traditional information processing which forced management to develop new processes in order to match with the recent technology (p.1). Hence, there arises a need of giving specific attention to the management of information systems. Even though newly introduced information systems increased the authenticity of business performance, the top executives who were dealing with them had no accurate knowledge about its operations. Issues like organizational resistance to change, vendor selection, maintenance costs etc are to be dealt with due care in order to attain the anticipated outcome of ISM (McFarlan, 2003). If the information are gathered and processed in a wrong way, the management will not be able to interpret the actual facts and thereby it would lead to business failure. Hence, the information systems management (ISM) aims to coordinate various information processes efficient ly and flawlessly in order to attain the long-term objectives of a business. For instance, we take the case of a car manufacturing firm (say Hyundai) in order to substantiate the mission and goals of an information systems management. The Hyundai has a well developed information system for the formulation of suitable business strategies. The company requires right time information on market trends in car models, satisfactory price level for customers, and ultra modern facilities. Similarly, a market forecast on the basis of the acquired data

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Week Four Assignment Caledonia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Week Four Assignment Caledonia - Essay Example Thus, the yearly cash inflows realized in Project A can be utilized for another investment that will even yield more than $40,000 profit by the end of 4 years. It is through utilizing the IRR formula that reflects the acceptability of Project A because IRR considers all cash flows and time value of money, both crucial and important in the real business world. When analyzing the financial considerations under the lease versus buy decision process, one needs to consider the LCC (Life Cycle Cost) of either leasing or buying and operating and maintaining the hardware. The most meaningful financial comparison is the cost of lease financing versus the cost of debt financing (which are both not mentioned on this given problem). While comparing absolute LCC is important, it is equally critical to take into consideration fiscal budgetary constraints. While the LCC of leasing may be higher over the entire term the hardware is leased, the annual expenditures may fit better with budgetary limitations. However, the lease versus buy decision cannot be based purely on financial data or budgetary considerations. The decision must be made on a best value consideration. A best value selection analysis would introduce intangible benefits that could be benefits of either leasing or

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Armed Forces Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Armed Forces - Essay Example It was a professional field where individuals had the opportunity to save the lives of others without considering the effects that their actions may have on their personal life. Despite of my liking for the armed forces personnel, I never wanted to opt for this career. This was because of my own confused feelings with regard to this profession. Though I did believe that it was a position of authority and dignity to fight for your country in difficult times, I could not analyze the fact that how people could actually consider the lives of others to be more precious than their own lives. But I have understood now that it is with maturity and greater understanding of the world that a person understands the true meaning and essence of many important things in this world. My maternal uncle was working for the army of the United States and had been on the rank of sergeant major. I really looked forward to visiting him and asking him about his experiences. He had gone to many places across the world and his knowledge and experiences were very different from the other people I had ever met. He was not like the other members of my family. There was an air of authority and dignity when he was around. We respected him a lot and I used to enjoy asking him questions about the various occurrences in his life. I always wished to ask him about why he had opted for this profession as he was not home for most of the year. He missed important family events and occasions. I wanted to ask him that was his profession worth all the losses that he was facing. I wanted to know if it was worth the fact that he had not been present on the occasion of the birth of his first child. Despite of my desire, I could never raise these questions in front of him owing to his poise and his love for his profession. Time went by and even if my uncle was not home, they had a happy family. Everyone was really happy when he visited and brought with him gifts and shared his experiences with everyone. Eve ryone looked forward to his arrival and eagerly waited for him. Life is very unpredictable and these happy moments were not meant to last for long. The war in Afghanistan started in 2001 and my uncle was deployed in the country to participate in the war. It was a very sad farewell as the consequences of this war were not known. I had expected my uncle to be sad and reluctant but I was surprised to see that he was very happy and was confident as he always was. When he was about to leave, his daughter asked him if it was necessary to leave. He replied by telling her that he was going to fight for her and for their family. He told her that he was going to fight to make her future secure so that she could lead a happy life and that no one could harm their country and their family. His words had a very deep meaning and I was highly touched. He left to never return again as he lost his life in a suicide attack carried out on the armed forces by the militants in Afghanistan. Though he did not return, but his words left a great impact on me and my life. I realized the reason for his dignity and his confidence at all times. I also understood that he seemed to be different from others because he was not like the other people and his priority was the benefit of others. I did not opt for a career in the military but my thoughts with regard to the armed forces changed. All the questions in my mind were answered. If I would be capable enough, I would

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Are Clausewitz theory of Friction and Means and Ends relevant to a Research Paper

Are Clausewitz theory of Friction and Means and Ends relevant to a college student today - Research Paper Example It is important to remember that the fog stems from corrupted information and so, the US officers can get better able to see and interpret everything by making advancements in information technologies. This research paper is basically an attempt to scrutinize the extent to which the Clausewitzian concepts on war can be considered relevant today for college students by exploring what the research literature has to say on the subject. Carl Von Clausewitz served in military army and developed many momentous theories about war. Those theories can be found in his epic book â€Å"On War† which was still unfinished when he died. He has gained more reputation till now as a military theorist than a military professional. The fact that Clausewitz’s work is still frenetically researched demonstrates that it is found relevant even today in contemporary times. Also, my opinion is that I appreciate and enjoy Clausewitz’s theoretical approaches to war. I believe that he has con veyed what it takes to really understand the phenomenon of war through his insightful theories which can be useful to anybody even today in the modern times. According to Clausewitz, â€Å"war is served by many activities† (2008, p. ... In his theory about means and end, he favors strategy over tactics. His concept of tactics is a confluence of two streams, means (fighting forces) and ends (victory) suggesting that better trained fighting forces can lead to victory if they are more experienced at seeing and processing information on the battlefield. This is because once the means are properly developed, the purposes of the war get clearer, and the desired objectives can be reached without unnecessary delays due to uncertainty (fog). However, in strategy the means is victory and the end is things which can help to reestablish peace. Just victory is not important, reestablishment of peace should also be a desired end. I find Clausewitz’s theoretical concepts to be both thought-provoking and acutely insightful because he digs with acute intelligence into a variety of meanings associated with friction and means and ends, and the best part is that every meaning holds something captivating to reflect. Clausewitz ho lds the position that the rate of probability is especially high in a situation like war because everything is uncertain. Here, he goes against earlier war theorists who attempted to astutely assess the war performance by using hard and fast rules. For this purpose, the earlier theorists concentrated only on factors which could be calculated like the war supplies, number of participants (soldiers), interior lines etc. They forgot to assess the conduct of war by considering factors which do not have fixed values and cannot be calculated. It is the work of those theorists which cannot be considered relevant today because the times have changed and there is no room for those inflexible concepts on war now. Clausewitz’s work on war in reference to its relevance today

Monday, July 22, 2019

Co-Occurring Disorders and Addiction Essay Example for Free

Co-Occurring Disorders and Addiction Essay Treatment of drug and alcohol addiction is seldom as simple as merely addressing the particular chemicals addict is taking into his body. More often than not, addicts suffer from other disorders in conjunction with their chemical dependency. The clinical reference to such a condition is called co-occurring disorders (Doweiko, 2012). According to Arias and Kranzler (2008) an estimated 1. 1 percent of the U. S. population has an alcohol use disorder with a co-occurring use disorder (DUD). This type of co-morbidity is sometimes referred to as homotypic co ­morbidity or dual dependence. According to Doweiko (2012), dual diagnosis clients refer to patients that suffer from a concurrent form of mental illness and an SUD. Co-occurring substance disorders include but are not limited to anorexia, bulimia, gambling, abuse (spousal), compulsive shopping, AIDS, and compulsive sexual behaviors (Doweiko, 2012). People who are active substance abusers or withdrawal from many drugs of abuse can magnify or simulate symptoms of psychiatric disorders. Addiction is common in people with mental health problems. Although substance abuse and mental health disorders like depression and anxiety are closely linked, one does not directly cause the other (Doweiko, 2012). In a dual diagnosis, both the mental health issue and the drug or alcohol addiction have their own unique symptoms that may get in the way of your ability to function, handle life’s difficulties, and relate to others (Stinson, et al. , 2005). To make the situation more complicated, the co-occurring disorders also affect each other and interact. According to Stinson et al (2005) when a mental health problem goes untreated, the substance abuse problem usually worsens and when alcohol or drug abuse increases, mental health problems will likely increase as well. An essential step to gaining freedom from addiction involves understanding the dynamics of addiction. The addiction cycle describes the reoccurring process that takes place as person struggles with their addiction(s). Co-occurring disorders and addiction relation to the addiction cycle is that addictive behaviors offer a fake sense of escape, pleasure, and involve psychological or physiological dependence. According to Scalise (2012) the increased symptoms and challenging treatment process add to difficulties of breaking the addiction cycle. The addiction cycle begins with pain which leads individuals to reach their absolute lowest, which many calle â€Å"hitting bottom† and then seek relief (i. . treatment). The addiction cycle continues with the addictive behaviors leading the individual to feel good just before crashing and experiencing pain again, thus restarting the cycle (Scalise, 2012). Understanding co-occurring disorders is vital to the proper treatment of chemical dependency clients. If all co-occurring disorders are effectively dealt with, there’s no reason why the addict should not regain their life as a drug-free member of society.

Daniel Goleman Theory of Emotional Intelligence Essay Example for Free

Daniel Goleman Theory of Emotional Intelligence Essay The cognition ability among humans is as varied as their physical abilities. However, one apparent fact is that they all possess some similar characteristics. Psychologists have often tried to understand humans by studying their behavior and explaining it in terms of sense cognition. As such, it has been argued that the way a person perceives and interprets his physical world, described and exhibited in behavior, is determined by intelligence. However, psychologists are not yet agreed on the exact definition of intelligence even though there are some agreed upon attributes that can be attached to the concept. The ability to comprehend complex ideas, handle situations effectively and reason is varied among humans. It is recognized that this variation is substantial but never consistent as an individual will exhibit different intellectual performance on different occasions. The concept of intelligence is thus aimed at rearranging and clarifying these complex phenomena. There has been progress with regard to rearranging and clarifying these complex phenomena even though they still do not command universal assent. Psychologists have often focused on cognitive aspects on their analysis of intelligence. In other words, emphasis has always been laid on such aspects like memory and problem solving skills. However, some psychologists recognize the importance of non-cognitive aspects in analyzing intelligence. In his definition, David Wechsler identifies such factors like rationality, purposeful action and ability to handle the environment effectively as the main features of intelligence. In his early works, Wechsler identified non-intellective as well as intellective aspects. By intellective and non-intellective aspects, he was referring to social, personal and affective factors. (Wechsler, 1940: 444-445) He further held that the possibility of success in life is dependent upon non-intellective abilities. In recent past, a new aspect has emerged with regard to intelligence and this has been motivated by the need to explain how emotions and thought impact on each other. It is thus in the interest of this paper to look at this aspect of intelligence which has gained prominence in the field of psychology. This new aspect is what has been referred to as emotional intelligence. In this paper, I will look at the development, theories and elements of emotional intelligence. What is Emotional Intelligence: Background The term emotional intelligence was coined by Salovey and Meyer in 1990. When they coined this term, they were well aware of the previous work by other psychologists on non-cognitive aspects of intelligence. In their description of emotional intelligence, Salovey and Meyer viewed it as the ability of an individual to guide his or her thinking and action through monitoring his or her feelings and emotions (and those of others) and compare them against his own. As such, they considered it a form of social intelligence. The study in this field of social intelligence emerged as a result of research in the field of cognition and affect. Research in this area also gained prominence as a result of works by other psychologists who pointed out that there could be a cognitive connection between mood and judgment. These psychologists suggested that there could be a possibility that when a person gets happy, for instance, he is bound to cognitively judge his past positively thus elevating his moods further. On the other hand, bad moods lead to negative thoughts thereby increasing or worsening the condition. Robert Zajonc (1980) suggested that in determining attitudes, feelings played a bigger role than cognition. His argument was that it is feelings which paid attention to the physical world. This view emanated from an empirical conception of human life. It is a widely held position that it is the senses that is responsible for feeding the brain with information for interpretation. This on the other hand affected or is affected by moods and memory. The influence of mood on memory was examined by Gordon Bower who described an activation model of memory. He observed that happy moods influenced happy thoughts while on the other hand, sad moods influenced sad thoughts. (Bower, 1981) According to him, if one was in the state of happiness, he is bound to view his past social actions positively which in turn stimulates positive thoughts. On the other hand, if one is sad, he is bound to view his past as a series of failures within the social realm thereby increasing his sadness. As such, the state of mind influences attitude and cognition. This analysis by Bower helped in the comprehension and explanation of many empirical aspects of emotional intelligence. Much contribution in the field of emotional intelligence was brought by Clerk and Fiskes Affect and Cognition. A departure from research on the interaction between emotion and cognition was marked by the study of emotion and thought by social, personality and cognitive psychologists. The concept of defense mechanism by Sigmund Freud even though put emphasis on the pathological factors, also recognized and emphasized on the interaction between thought and emotion. The view that emotions prejudiced and disrupted thought was inherited when the cognition and affect literature surfaced. The idea that emotions and thought caused biasness went hand in hand with the idea that emotions could be adaptive for thought. This went on as inquiries into emotions and thought diverged from an emphasis on psychopathology to normal everyday thoughts and moods. The result was the idea that intelligence and emotions can integrate to perform complex information processing that either cannot manage independently. This was the development of the concept of emotional intelligence. Salovey and Mayer in their attempt to develop accurate and valid measures of emotional intelligence initiated a research program which was also meant to explore its significance. Daniel Goleman recognized their work which led to his formulation of the theory of emotional intelligence. Theories of Emotional Intelligence There is a general conception that emotion and intelligence are two distinct concepts which cannot integrate. As such, the term emotional intelligence appears as a contradiction. However, emotions often convey messages which can be processed. That is, they signal relations. This assumption makes the term sensible. Philosophers have often inquired into the nature and meaning of emotions and came into a conclusion that they define the relationship between an individual and other members of the society. As such, every emotion defines an individuals relationship with himself and his relationship with others. There is a universality and regularity in the meaning of emotions. Comprehending the universal meaning of emotions was adopted by cognition and affect researchers. A system which defined joy as a positive feeling which comes after an assurance that an action will be rewarded and relief as a positive feeling which points to the absence of punishment was outlined by Roseman (1984). A similar approach was taken up by Ortony, Clore and Collins (1988) which defined joy as a â€Å"well being† emotion which comes as a result of self reaction to desirable occurrence. Emotional intelligence can be fragmented into four branches of abilities. These include perceiving and expressing emotions, integrating emotions in thoughts, comprehending and managing emotions. All these are important in the overall theory of emotional intelligence. Perceiving Emotions Accurate perception is the first step in emotional information processing. The system of emotional perception is a product of evolution built through time so as to facilitate communication between parent and child. The child therefore learns emotions from the mother. For instance, when the infant smiles, her mother reflects back the kind of face associated with smiling which in this case is contracting the cheeks muscles. As a person grows, he learns to generalize patterns of how emotions are manifested in the physical realm which includes objects, artwork and even other people. For instance, a person may associate a relaxed shouldered posture with calmness. Emotional integration After the perception of an emotion, it has the capacity to influence cognition at various points of processing. Emotional integration thus focuses on the contributions that emotion makes in the reasoning process. Various suggestions have been put forward on how emotions may facilitate cognition. According to Easterbrook (1959), Mandler (1975) and Simon (1982), emotions provide an impulse to prioritization. (Tad. In John D. Mayer, Emotions, Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence. p. 420) For instance, someone in deep concentration in say, a movie is oblivious of the surrounding environment, even the couch he is seated on. Nonetheless, he may experience a growing sense of anxiety and on hearing the voices of children outside; he realizes that he is supposed to be in a psychology class. The interrupting anxiety to some extent is a second processing system independent of the central cognitive system. As such, it enables cognition to direct resources to a problem until and unless a competing response emerges. Another way through which emotions help cognition is by functioning as a secondary store about emotions themselves. For instance, if an artist wants to paint suffering, he reflects back on an experience or scene of suffering and recreates the feeling. The act of mood cycling or mood switching is another way through which emotions contribute to intelligence. Cognitive system is often refreshed by mood alterations. These mood alterations have a consequence of bringing various emotional tools to handle a particular problem. According to Mayer, a shift in judgment through increasing motivational direction may enhance functioning. (Ibid. 421) A cycling of moods also provides different perspectives on a subject or problem thereby enhancing creativity. Mood can also assist intelligence by providing implicit information on past experiences. As such they act as references in decision making processes. For instance, one may have some facts on a given event but still would not be in a position to choose which of his alternatives is best for him. As such, he reflects back on his feelings towards those alternatives. Emotions thus summarize these past experiences. Comprehending Emotion The closest branch to traditional intelligence is understanding emotions. The hypothesis is that there exists a mental processor whose main function is to understand, abstract and reason about emotional data. Labeling feelings and understanding what they represent are just but part of this processing. For instance, one may label a feeling love. As such, he or she recognizes that love reflects upon relationship with other people. Emotion Management This is the final branch to emotional intelligence model. It involves the management of emotions for personal development and growth. For instance, an informative emotion enables one to gather information about his environment, especially the social environment, if one opens himself for such information. People open to sadness will best understand the painful conditions which man has to grapple with in the course of existence. This also enhances the good in the sense that one may not be in the position to appreciate blessings if he doe not understand the difficulties in life. For instance, after sacrificing ones time to study hard, he may achieve happiness when he graduates with a first class honors. However, openness is not the end of management. The knowledge gained from perceiving, integrating and understanding emotional dispositions must be put into practical use in order to maximize emotional management. In other words, it is through perceiving and understanding emotions that one knows the consequences of experiencing them or blocking them. The theory has left open the way in which emotional intelligence manage emotions. Intelligence enables one to explore and evaluate possibilities with their own goals in mind. Even though one may hope that many people manage their emotions well, emotionally intelligent individuals at times manage their feelings negatively. Discussion The foundations of the new theory of emotional intelligence are based on the field of cognition and affect. As inquiries were made on how thoughts were altered by emotions by cognition and affect researchers, a shift emerged from the clinical researchers who emphasized on how thoughts were pathologized by emotions. Normalization of such phenomena was started by the cognition and affect researchers who who found them in everyday human behavior. The focus of emotional intelligence was thus how emotions and intelligence facilitate each other mutually in order to create a high level of emotional information processing and a higher level of thought. A model of emotional intelligence was formulated which viewed it as a form of intelligence mainly concerned with processing emotional signals related to relationships. As such, emotional intelligence is concerned with the capacity to consider emotions rationally for better management. Measuring Emotional Intelligence The assessment of intelligence is done entirely by ability tests. As observed earlier, theoretical model construction and measurement procedures are involved in the development of emotional intelligence. Individuals who take ability tests are subjected to relevant mental tasks within a controlled environment. This is meant to measure their optimum mental performance. However, the examination of many different skills which may be tied to intelligence is a requirement for the establishment of intelligence. This is so because the existence of intelligence is based upon the intercorrelation between skills which also develop with age. The Value of Emotional Intelligence When people are confronted with setbacks or failure, they tend to make some causal attributions. Optimists tend to make external attributions that are temporary and specific while pessimists make internal attributions which are universal and permanent. This is according to learned optimism construct developed by Martin Seligman. In a research carried among salesmen by Seligman and his colleague, they found that optimistic new salesmen sold more insurance in their first years than the pessimistic ones. When the company hired another group of individuals who failed normal screening but scored high on optimism, the made more sales than the pessimists by 21 per cent. (Schulman, 1995). an aspect of emotional intelligence which has exhibited much success is the ability to handle stress and manage feelings. Tests of Emotional Intelligence According to Goleman, even though entry level executive positions require technical skills and IQ, high emotional intelligence is an integral part of high performance leadership. A simple emotional test based on theories by Goleman can help identify emotional intelligence and leadership. As such, one may establish his emotional intelligence through the use of emotional intelligence test so long as it is based firmly on emotional intelligence theory. A happier and more balanced lifestyle can be achieved by an awareness of ones emotional abilities which may also help in improving his emotional intelligence. Rating of ones ability to regulate his emotions in a balanced and healthy manner can be achieved through emotional intelligence tests. After the completion of the test, an individual is in a better position to comprehend his greatest emotional strengths and weaknesses which enables him to evaluate his aptitude in every emotional category. Emotional intelligence theory is also important in identifying the emotional intelligence of a child which provides abase for emotional intelligence training. Developing emotional intelligence skills require that one is in a position to identify his emotional intelligence strengths and weaknesses. References Bower, G. , H, (1981) Mood and Memory. American Psychologist. 36, 129-148 ed. John D. Mayer, Emotions, Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence. p. 420 Goleman D. (1995) Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam Mayer, J. Salovey, P. Choosing a Measure of Emotional Intelligence: The Case for Ability Scales. In R. Ban-On Handbook for Emotional Intelligence. Guilford Wechsler, D. (1940) Non intellective Factors in General Intelligence, Psychological Bulletin, 37, 444-445 Zajonc, R. , B. , (1980) Feeling and Thinking: References Need No Inferences. American Psychologist, 35, 151-175

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Evolution of Baking and Pastry Making

Evolution of Baking and Pastry Making SYNOPSIS The purpose of this project was to understand the evolution of baking and pastry making. How it has evolved throughout time, what changes and techniques came that helped in the development of this field and how this profession today is one of the most important professions in the food industry. INTRODUCTION Baking is one of the cooking methods in which the food is baked in ovens using dry heat. Breads are the most commonly baked products, but many other food items can also be baked. When the heat travels from the surface to the centre of the products like cakes, cookies or breads, it forms a stiff crust and a spongy centre and converts the batter or dough’s into baked goods. A combination of baking and barbecue can be created by either cooking twice or one before the other. Masonry oven is one of the concept of baking which is similar to smoke pit concept of barbecuing, therefore baking and barbecuing can be related. Originally baking was done by women at home for their own consumption, then later on men started working in bakeries and restaurants and started baking for local consumption, as the time passed and technologies changed and big machines came into the market the production was industrialized and hence baking was later done by large machines and in huge factories. Breads being the common food are economically as well as culturally very important therefore the nutritive values have to be kept in mind. A professional, baking goods is known as a baker. EVOLUTION OF BAKERY AND PASTRY ARTS WHAT IS BAKING? Cooking by dry heat method in large ovens is known as baking. Apart from cakes, breads and pastries; meats, vegetables, poultry and fish can also be baked. (Adams, 2013) Baking can be done by three methods: Dry Baking The water content in the food rises and forms a steam, the dry heat of the oven and the steam formed combine to cook the food. Example: Pastries, Cakes, and Baked Jacket Potato. Bain Marie While baking, the food is placed in a water container because of which the heat in the oven modifies resulting the slow cooking of food which ensures that the food is not over cooked or over heated. Increased Humidity Baking Humidity of the oven is increased either by placing a bowl of water in the oven or by injecting steam, resulting in the increase of water content in the food and hence the quality of the food is improved. (Anon., 2012) HOW DID IT START? The evidence of baking first took place when the wild grass grains were soaked in water and then everything was mixed together and mashed into a broth like paste. Cooking of this paste was done by pouring it on a flat hot rock and was cooked till it resulted in a bread like substance. Roasting this paste on hot embers made bread making easier, since it could be made any time fire was created. Yeast was previously being used to brew beers, but Ancient Egyptians started using it to bake breads. The art of baking bread began around 600 BC in Ancient Greece which led to an invention of enclosed ovens. The art baking bloomed in the Roman Empire. The occupation of pastry cook was known as the Pastillarium. It was the most respected line of work as pastries were considered most decent, and Romans loved to eat them in festivals and loved to celebrate with them. Hence the baking of pastries started on special occasions and especially for large banquets. Whenever a new treat was invented by any pastry chef they were highly rewarded. Number of pastry chefs increased in Rome during 1 AD. There were 300 pastry chefs at that time. Romans had their own mills to grind grain flour and baked bread in ovens with chimneys. (Gisslen, 2005) BAKING IN MIDDLE AGES Baking as a profession totally disappeared after the collapse of the Roman Empire. It slowly came back in the latter part of middle age as an important business in the service of upper class. Bread making was no more done by homemakers it was continued by professional bakers since the constant tending of the ovens was required. Ovens were usually disconnected from the building due to the possibility of fire, they were generally outside of the city walls. Guilds were setup in France in the 12th century and were called tameliers or sifters, there job was to sift the flour that was sent to them. During that time there were 62 guilds, and they were granted the ownership of manufacturing breads but not beyond the borderlines of Paris. When the bran is sifted with coarse sieves only some part of the bran is removed, white flour is made by sifting the bran with finer sieves which removes either parts of the bran or whole bran. The yield of the white flour is lower since most of the grain is removed while sifting hence the white flour was more expensive. In 1650 CE bakers started buying sifted flour from the mills. The weight, quality and cost of the breads were specifically decided by the royal decree. The loaves which were not of the appropriate weight were confiscated and then given away to the poor. Insurance against illness was also provided by the guilds: each day a loaf or two were handed over to a hospital and priority hospitalization for free was in return guaranteed. Free breads were supplied to the executioner and were placed upside down by the baker who supplied it to them. They were kept upside to ensure the other customers that the hands of the executioner will not get in contact with any other loaves. People started believing that it was inauspicious to keep the bread loafs upside down hence giving rise to a superstition. The word tameliers was soon replaced by Boulanger which comes from the Picardy word Boulenc. The literal meaning of the word Boulanger is ‘one who makes round bread’. (Gisslen, 2005) (Gisslen, 2009) MODERN BAKING AND TECHNOLOGY The time of great technical progress stared in the nineteenth century. With the development of automatic machines the task of the manual labor reduced and because of the development the bakers could perform many more tasks with the machines. Roller Milling was the most important technological development. Before this development milling of grains was done by grinding them between two stones, then the resultant flour had to be bolted of sifted numerous times in order to separate the bran. The manual labor process was very slow and took lot of time but after the invention of Roller Milling the process became more efficient and faster. New availability of flours was another important development of that period, they were grown in the wheat growing areas of North-America. They were higher in proteins than compared to those grown in Northern Europe. This wheat was exported to Europe which led to large-scale production of white breads. Many more technologies developed in the twentieth century. New types of ovens and refrigerators came. Air transportation also played a huge role in the development of baking and pastry making. Transpiration of fresh ingredients around the world became more convenient. Many ingredients that were once rare and expensive are now easily available and reasonably priced because of the Preservation Techniques. Preparation and processing of food can now be done before shipping on behalf of bakeshops and food operations as modern food preservations technology have made it possible. Hence convenience foods have come into existence. Cooking styles and eating habits have changed because of these developments. Evolution of cooking and baking has been going on for hundred years and still continues to. In the later parts of the twentieth century, travelling around the world became easy hence immigrants traveled in Europe and North America, which led to the increase in the taste and awareness for regional dishes. Knowledge about different cuisines grew among the chefs apart from the traditional cuisines of other parts of Europe they learned about the cuisines of Asia, Latin America, and of many more different regions. Different techniques and ingredients of more than one regional cuisine came in use in a single dish and came to be known as Fusion Cuisine, this cuisine can at times yield poor results as it does not belong to any one culture and gets to mixed up. Fusion cuisine was true in 1980s as the idea was fresh and new. (Gisslen, 2009) CONCLUSION The evolution of baking has took centuries to perfect, from the ages of the wild grass paste to the modern ways of bread making machinery. Slowly some of the technique are moving out of the scenario with raising health issue and concerns .People are moving out of the heavy fats and oils, moving into more of lighter fats and healthier flour. The future of baking will me more innovative ovens, healthier and whole grain breads and innovations in the bakeries organizations. LIST OF REFERENCES Adams, A., 2013. Baking. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 january 2014]. Anon., 2012. The Food Tchnology Website. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2 January 2014]. Gisslen, W., 2005. Professional Baking. 4th ed. Hoboken, NEw Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc.. Gisslen, W., 2005. Professional Baking. 4th ed. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc.. Gisslen, W., 2009. Professional Baking. 5th ed. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc.. Gisslen, W., 2009. Professional Baking. 5th ed. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc..

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Eating Disorders and Reproduction Essay -- Pregnancy Health Papers

Eating Disorders and Reproduction Eating disorders have numerous emotional, psychological, and physical consequences; despite this, many affected individuals refuse to admit that they have a problem. One of the more serious problems associated with eating disorders that may convince a young woman to seek treatment, is the negative effect disordered eating can have on fertility, pregnancy, and child rearing in general. In multiple studies anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and eating disorders not otherwise specified, have been associated with infertility, low maternal weight gain, low birth weight in infants, increased neonatal morbidity, and problems in infant feeding (Stewart, 1992). Women who are afflicted with an eating disorder at conception tend to experience a worsening in their symptoms as well as other psychological problems. In order to avoid harming herself and her infant, women with eating disorders should seek psychological treatment before attempting to become pregnant. A literature review by Wade, Schneider, and Li (1996), used an array of female mammals to demonstrate the biological mechanisms behind the infertility of eating disordered women. In simple terms, when accessible energy is severely limited, animals preserve those activities necessary for survival (basic cellular functions, thermoregulation, etc.) and other less crucial functions, such as reproduction, are sacrificed for the time being. Fuel availability is thought to be detected by the caudal hindbrain and in the periphery; when a reduction in metabolic fuel is detected this information is relayed to the forebrain effector neurons that control GnRH secretion (a neurotransmitter used to regulate the ovulatory cycle) and reproductive behaviors. A r... ...feed their children: their recognition and management, Psychological Medicine, 28(1): 93-108. Spuy, Z., Steer, P., McCusker, M., Steele, S., & Jacobs, H., (1988). Outcome of pregnancy in underweight women after spontaneous and induced ovulation, British Medical Journal, 296: 962-965. Stewart, D., Robinson, E., Goldbloom, D., & Wright, C., (1990). Infertility and eating disorders, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 163(4): 1196-1199. Stewart, D., Raskin, J., Garfinkel, P., MacDonald, O., & Robinson, G., (1987). Anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and pregnancy, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 157: 1194-1198. Stewart, D., (1992). Reproductive functions in eating disorders, Annals of Medicine, 24(4): 287-291. Wade, G., Schneider, J., & Li, H., (1996). Control of fertility by metabolic cues, American Journal of Physiology, 270(1): E1-19. Eating Disorders and Reproduction Essay -- Pregnancy Health Papers Eating Disorders and Reproduction Eating disorders have numerous emotional, psychological, and physical consequences; despite this, many affected individuals refuse to admit that they have a problem. One of the more serious problems associated with eating disorders that may convince a young woman to seek treatment, is the negative effect disordered eating can have on fertility, pregnancy, and child rearing in general. In multiple studies anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and eating disorders not otherwise specified, have been associated with infertility, low maternal weight gain, low birth weight in infants, increased neonatal morbidity, and problems in infant feeding (Stewart, 1992). Women who are afflicted with an eating disorder at conception tend to experience a worsening in their symptoms as well as other psychological problems. In order to avoid harming herself and her infant, women with eating disorders should seek psychological treatment before attempting to become pregnant. A literature review by Wade, Schneider, and Li (1996), used an array of female mammals to demonstrate the biological mechanisms behind the infertility of eating disordered women. In simple terms, when accessible energy is severely limited, animals preserve those activities necessary for survival (basic cellular functions, thermoregulation, etc.) and other less crucial functions, such as reproduction, are sacrificed for the time being. Fuel availability is thought to be detected by the caudal hindbrain and in the periphery; when a reduction in metabolic fuel is detected this information is relayed to the forebrain effector neurons that control GnRH secretion (a neurotransmitter used to regulate the ovulatory cycle) and reproductive behaviors. A r... ...feed their children: their recognition and management, Psychological Medicine, 28(1): 93-108. Spuy, Z., Steer, P., McCusker, M., Steele, S., & Jacobs, H., (1988). Outcome of pregnancy in underweight women after spontaneous and induced ovulation, British Medical Journal, 296: 962-965. Stewart, D., Robinson, E., Goldbloom, D., & Wright, C., (1990). Infertility and eating disorders, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 163(4): 1196-1199. Stewart, D., Raskin, J., Garfinkel, P., MacDonald, O., & Robinson, G., (1987). Anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and pregnancy, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 157: 1194-1198. Stewart, D., (1992). Reproductive functions in eating disorders, Annals of Medicine, 24(4): 287-291. Wade, G., Schneider, J., & Li, H., (1996). Control of fertility by metabolic cues, American Journal of Physiology, 270(1): E1-19.

Friday, July 19, 2019

American Women and the World War II Factory Experience Essay -- Americ

American Women and the World War II Factory Experience After much consideration, I decided to write about American women on the home front during World War II. The work done by these brave women was astounding. In order to narrow the scope of my historical survey, I chose to focus particularly on the factory experience of these women, because the female factory worker challenged the existing societal belief of separate sex roles. In this sense, the female factory worker became a pioneer for the later expansion of women into careers that were largely considered â€Å"man’s work.† My main interest has always been American history. I have been particularly interested in what has happened socially during periods of war. Former research projects, have included studies of Southern women during the Civil War, along with student demonstrations against the Vietnam War. I am enthralled with social history and the activities of those who are left at home during periods of national conflict. The behavior of American citizens on the home front often reflects changing cultural values-an evolution of society- for better or worse. I am also vastly interested in those individuals that are not typically included in general historical surveys. A successful student of American history knows about Pearl Harbor and Normandy but very little about what their own grandmother did for the war effort. In my work I hope to offer a new and interesting perspective as to what women did to help win the war. Historians specializing in the American home front, realize the prominence that women played in an American victory. Without these women, the labor force would have been severely weakened. Women war workers were quickly recruited, trai... ...ender, and Propaganda During World War II. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1984. Keegan, John. The Second World War. Middlesex: Viking Penguin, 1989. Leff, Mark H. â€Å"The Politics of Sacrifice on the American Home Front in World War II,† Journal of American History 77, no. 4 (1991): 1296-1318. Milkman, Ruth. Gender at Work: the Dynamics of Job Segregation by Sex during World War II. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1987. ed. Women, Work and Protest: a Century of US Women’s Labor History, 2d ed. New York: Routledge, 1987. Polenberg, Richard, ed. America at War: the Home Front, 1941-1945. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. War and Society: the United States 1941-1945. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1972. Vatter, Harold G. The U.S. Economy in World War II. New York: Columbia University Press, 1985.

Planning for a Terrorist Emergency :: essays research papers

Preparing for a disaster at American Universities and Colleges has changed dramatically. Prior to September 11th higher education institutions merely planned for natural disasters. American soil in no longer as safe as it once was. In addition to preparing for tornados, preparing for hurricanes, preparing for earthquakes, and preparing for fires there is need to prepare for a terrorist attack. A natural disaster is an event of nature that takes human lives or destroys property. In contrast, a terrorist attack is a man-made event that takes human lives and destroys property. Terrorist attacks appear in many forms biological terrorism, chemical terrorism, explosive terrorism, nuclear terrorism, and radiation terrorism. Data gathered from FEMA confirmed that the majority of terrorist attacks were explosive. In 2002 there were a total of 199 international terrorist attacks against buildings. Out the 199, 70% of the attacks were bombings (Brown & Lowe 1-16). Since actions taken to plan for explosive attacks are similar to preparing and planning for other types of attacks, explosive attack recommendations and supplies would be sufficient to handle such emergencies. Knoy Hall on the well-regarded campus of Purdue University is emergency planning for a terrorist attack. There are many variable involved that make emergency planning for an explosive attack difficult, including the number of individuals in or around the targeted structure and the tactics used by terrorists to implement an explosive attack. The different approaches to planning will be discussed in depth later in the report. Following the implementation of the recommendations in this report Knoy Hall will be prepared for an explosive attack. Brief Overview Research by U.S. Home Land Security and FEMA has revealed that it’s possible to implement an effective plan for a terrorist based emergency. Several avenues were researched to better prepare for the emergency. The course of action that is selected must be well thought out. Instead of preparing the entire campus, the emergency plan is for the school of technology building, Knoy Hall. There are a large number of students, a large number of Purdue faculty members, and a large number of staff that utilize Knoy Hall. Campus police and fire department may not have ample supplies to handle a large scaled attack. Therefore a number of tasks have to be completed to prepare Knoy Hall for a terrorist attack. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Supplies must be purchased and stored. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A storage facility for emergency items must be purchased and constructed. Planning for a Terrorist Emergency :: essays research papers Preparing for a disaster at American Universities and Colleges has changed dramatically. Prior to September 11th higher education institutions merely planned for natural disasters. American soil in no longer as safe as it once was. In addition to preparing for tornados, preparing for hurricanes, preparing for earthquakes, and preparing for fires there is need to prepare for a terrorist attack. A natural disaster is an event of nature that takes human lives or destroys property. In contrast, a terrorist attack is a man-made event that takes human lives and destroys property. Terrorist attacks appear in many forms biological terrorism, chemical terrorism, explosive terrorism, nuclear terrorism, and radiation terrorism. Data gathered from FEMA confirmed that the majority of terrorist attacks were explosive. In 2002 there were a total of 199 international terrorist attacks against buildings. Out the 199, 70% of the attacks were bombings (Brown & Lowe 1-16). Since actions taken to plan for explosive attacks are similar to preparing and planning for other types of attacks, explosive attack recommendations and supplies would be sufficient to handle such emergencies. Knoy Hall on the well-regarded campus of Purdue University is emergency planning for a terrorist attack. There are many variable involved that make emergency planning for an explosive attack difficult, including the number of individuals in or around the targeted structure and the tactics used by terrorists to implement an explosive attack. The different approaches to planning will be discussed in depth later in the report. Following the implementation of the recommendations in this report Knoy Hall will be prepared for an explosive attack. Brief Overview Research by U.S. Home Land Security and FEMA has revealed that it’s possible to implement an effective plan for a terrorist based emergency. Several avenues were researched to better prepare for the emergency. The course of action that is selected must be well thought out. Instead of preparing the entire campus, the emergency plan is for the school of technology building, Knoy Hall. There are a large number of students, a large number of Purdue faculty members, and a large number of staff that utilize Knoy Hall. Campus police and fire department may not have ample supplies to handle a large scaled attack. Therefore a number of tasks have to be completed to prepare Knoy Hall for a terrorist attack. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Supplies must be purchased and stored. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A storage facility for emergency items must be purchased and constructed.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

History of McDonald’s

McDonald’s with about 30.000 restaurants in 121 countries; was founded in 1948 at San Bernardino, USA. Its business goals are satisfied employees, more satisfied guests and a better economy. They consider employees as their main asset and accordingly, have undertaken human resource programs and practices called the â€Å"People Promise†.   Their success was due to quality, quick service, cleanliness and value for money. In 1997, McDonald’s divided its HR into three groups: the Service Center, HR Business Partners and the HR Design Center. The HR Design Center employs HR experts who develop, test and implement systems applicable to employees’ tools, which are at the forefront of research and which are designed to improve overall business results. The Measurement and Organizational Effectiveness group deals with employee commitment surveys in order to standardize relevant data, to study practices and approaches that affect turnover, productivity, customer satisfaction, sales and profitability. I-O psychologists have played a critical role in Leadership Assessment and Development, which deals with the executive succession planning process, senior management feedback and coaching and other senior leadership development programs. Implementing competency-based people systems, McDonald’s has realized intellectual capital by helping each person deliver business results. This is the People Promise initiative, which identifies metrics that relate to the success of this key strategy. In addition to conducting job analyses and test validation studies, I – O psychologists also construct and assess methodologies appropriate for capturing critical factors that measure overall business success. â€Å"I-O psychologists at McDonald’s are now, in a position to enact a key role in defining the landscape, identifying the key signposts and measuring how far an organization has gone to reach its overall goals† (Matt Barney, July 2001). McDonald's attaches great importance to imparting knowledge about the benefits of a balanced diet and active lifestyle not only to its customers but also to its employees. Recently, Peter Beresford, CEO of the UK wing of McDonald’s, endeavor has been to improve communications. He has initiated a number of pioneering measures like ‘Ask Peter', a direct e-mail, ‘Town Halls', a monthly live online event where board members answer questions from staff, and the MDUK staff magazine. The employees have welcomed these changes whole heartedly (HR Challenges. 6th September 2005). Sources HR challenges †¦ I’m lovin’ it., 6th September 2005. Retrieved 19th April 2006, form'm+lovin'+it.htm Matt Barney, Macro, Meso, Micro: McDonald’s, Retrieved April 17, 2006 from   

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Burial Practices Throughout the Ages

Society has always impressioned for a way to honor its dead. This has been the case since the early of times. thither atomic number 18 rituals in all in all universes that mark the various passages each live through in life. For instance, we mark an exclusives accomplishments in graduating from college, or getting married. It is no different in wipeout. wipeout is the final passage that refinements throughout taradiddle adopt imbed ways to honor. sepulchers and the ceremonies that read them, offer the survivors an opportunity to pay royal court to the life that has been lost.It gives them a chance to note the deceased for accomplishments, life and family. The sepulcher service allows the survivors a chance to mourn, and express their wo to others. The service helps those left behind to bushel from the pain of the loss. From the early cultivations to the present, sepulcher rituals fill t previous(a) us a great mass more or less the social behavior of the population. In well-nigh cases, children and elderly were buried just the same as the younger, stronger male. That tells us that the population valued its hoi polloi and grieved their loss.In the middle and lately weight-lift Age, sepulchre entrusts reflected a respective(a) community. In the subject field that is now Britain, an individual(a) was buried in two signalize areas. For instance, at that place are areas where single get up are buried, as well as locations where the rest of the system is open up. During the Iron Age, the gap down of the human organic structure indicated ritual activities. This was d one(a) at death or shortly after with the part of excarnation. Excarnation is allowing the body to be exposed until it reaches the skeleton stage. At that point, the cranium is commonly first to describe from the body, followed by the feet and hands.This process depart usually involve the chopping of skin, or soft interweave (Redfern, 2008). Once body par ts are detached, the secondary burial can be completed. The body processing also include breaking swot up to remove control stick cartilage. Archeologists stick noticed that the bones open in secondary ranges usually present cut marks, and fractures (Redfern, 2008). The neandertal was different in its method of dealing with the dead. In fact, the Neanderthal buried its dead in a painstaking ritual that occurred in stages with the employment of the deceased persons body parts.Nevertheless, the Neanderthal left gifts on the carve of those who died. Statistics indicate that 40 percent of the sculpture that archeologists have examined have been of the very old or very young. That fact indicates that the civilization valued both its elderly and children (Friedermann, Muller, Hemm, 2008). The burial practices of the pre-pottery Neolithic civilization arrange individuals buried in shallow grave. slightly sculpt contained only one person era others contained many. Archeologi sts dis come up toed 21 artifacts related to 15 graves in Atlit-Yam, on the Union coast of Israel.Most of the items were tools, axes, and other mansion household items. The graves at this identify were simple. There were a few secondary burial offices, as whatsoever skulls were detached from the body. The burial set was covered with lime p stand firmer on its surface (Galili, Eshed, Goher, Hershkovitz, 2005). In the third millenary burial practices in the Oman peninsula feature grave accents rotund in shape with un-worked oppose that had a single ring around it. The tomb had between two and ten put up inwardly it. One tomb at the locate of Unar 1 was king-size overflowing to hold the bodies of 438 people.A smaller tomb found at Unn an-Nar Island only held between 34-48 individuals. interior of the tombs, archeologists found ceramics, soft-stone objects, bronze, beads and shells. These items and burial method indicates a collective manner of biography. There were so me cremations discovered in this point in time as well (Blau, 2001). A burial cave found in the Aleutian Islands dated back to 390 BD. gives a glimpse into the function of the companionship. Inside the cave were found hearths and work places. Human bones had lay stones around them. There was an additional stone arrangement at the back of the cave.In face up of the cave, in the habitation area, animal bones and artifacts were found. The bodies were in a sarcophagus in woodwind instrument or stone coffins. There is some discussion among scholars that cave burials may have been just for the better off (West, Lefevre, Corbett, Crockford, 2003). burial chamber ceremonys in Sophocles Athens feature the use of tombs more than cemeteries. The tombs are found along roads or at passageways or gates. Antigone believed that all people are authorise to burial. The words tumbos and herion mean mounds of the land that cover the deceased and mark where the individual is buried. The word, tap hos elbow room the tomb.The grave or tomb primarily was located in a human beings location. The idea that the dead should be separated in some way from those living is not a part of the Grecian culture. However, late 5th century walls have been found that divide up tombs from one family to another. Monuments always face the street or public square. The Romans of the same era prohibited the burial of any individual within the city. (Patterson, 2006). Murders in this era were executed for their crime. after execution, they were stoned and thrown out of the city without being buried. Suicide victims were buried only not provided a headstone.People of good stand up were given ceremonies that featured songs. Then they were rigid in a decorated tomb (Patterson, 2006). Heroes and those killed in battle were given a public funeral with games, oration, and sacrifices. Solon devised the rules for burial in Athens. He said the deceased should be laid out within his home. The contermi nous day, he would be carried out of the house on the board he was set on. When they carry the dead out, men will laissez passer in the front of the procession. Women walk behind. In addition, no woman infra age 60 could enter the chamber of the dead, or the tomb.(Patterson, 2006). This is quite different from the eld of Jesus where women were in charge of lovingness for the dead. In Medieval times there is a diverse burial rite found in the use of sauceboats with regional and temporal variations found. The Sutton Hoo Mound is a large ship-type grave. Most of the boats employ were dugout logboats. Some of the civilizations used boat timbers or boat parts to cover the grave area (Brooks, 2007). Scandinavia is well-known for its adoption of burial by boat. The Swedes and Norwegians practiced boat cremations however, such is old in Anglo-Saxon areas.The exception to this is the site at Sutton Hoo Mount three. At that site there is a tree-trunk made kindred a coffin that was use d for cremation (Brooks, 2007). By the time the 18th century came around, most people in England were buried in unmarked graves in a churchyard. The ground was consecrated and the service was performed by an Anglican clergyman. He used the book, parole of Common Prayers for the service. In 1689, however, the idea of personalized funerals and pre-planned ceremonies came into being. The more sufficient bought coffins. This lead to the outgrowth of the undertaker profession (Gitting, 2007).The very affluent built themselves a mausoleum on their land. The most famous ceremony was for John Knill, the mayor of St. Ives. He established a conceive and asked that a ceremony be performed all five divisions. The ritual featured ten girls, who were under the age of ten. It also featured two widows, the vicar, and mayor and customs officer. every last(predicate) paraded to the mausoleum on top of a hill. The ceremony featured dancing, and singing, Old Hundredth, All people that on earth do bear (Gitting, 2007). Ironically, the ceremony was last completed in 2006. After the American Civil War, the prototype of embalming became popular.Prior to this Americans relied on the European methods establish for the preservation of the body. The use of embalming gave family a chance to look at the person one last time and accept his or her death. Embalming was used after Lincolns death to allow him to lie in severalise for individuals to witness, (Funeral Industry, n. d. ) In conclusion, burial rites of differing civilizations tell us a story of how the people lived, as well as how they died. It explains their values, and speaks to the kind of society they lived within. For example, south of Cairo a 5,000 year old tomb was discovered.Inside of the tomb archeologists found the bones of 10 donkeys. (Burial Site, 2008). This indicates the value this civilization placed on the role of the animals. Therefore, burial rites explain much about antediluvian civilizations, but als o tell us a great deal about ourselves. Although the rituals may have changed, the overall mapping is the same and that is to honor the dead. References Blau, S. (2001). Fragmentary endings a discussion of 3rd-millennium BC burial practices in the Oman Peninsula. Antiquity, 75, (289), 557 Brooks, S. (2007). Boat-nvets in graves in pre-Viking Kent Reassessing Anglo-Saxon boat burial traditions.Medieval Archeology, 51, (1), 1-18 Burial site a high honour for a lowly beast. (2008). In Mac bungs, 121, (16), 55 Friedermann, S. , Muller, S. , Hemm, C. (2008). The Neanderthals. New York, NY Routledge Publishing accompany Funeral Industry. (n. d. ) In Encyclopedia of Death and Dying. Retrieved April 30, 2010, from, http//wwwdeathreference,con/En-Gh/funeral-industry. htm Galili, E. , Eshed, V. , Gopher, A. , Hershkovitz, A. (2005). Burial practices of the submerged pre-pottery Neolithic C site of Atlit-Yam, Northern Coast of Israel. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 3 39, 1-19Gitting, C. (2007). Eccentric or instruct? Unusual burial and commemoration in England, 1689-1823. Mortality, 12, (4), 321-349 Patterson, C. (2006). The place and practice in burial in Sophocles Athens. Helios, 33, 9-48 Redfern, R. (2008). New evidence for Iron Age secondary burial practice and bone modification from Gussage, All Saints and first Castle (Dorset, England). Oxford Journal of Archeology, 27, (3), 281-301 West, D. , Leferve, C. , Corbett, D. , Crockford, S. (2003). A burial cave in the western Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Artic Anthropology, 40, (1), 70

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction is the starting point of your dissertation. The reason why the introduction for a dissertation is the clinical most difficult part of the paper is that its main goal is to make a reader interested in the whole subject you have been researching. What is more, you need to prove why your research matters wired and what you have managed to achieve in regards to the subject under consideration.Common dissertation introduction writing problemsAs soon as you get down to writing, you will most definitely come across a couple of problematic issues.Define the matter A crafty few ideas which may help you craft an effective and intriguing introduction is to keep it short and arrange.In addition, some students come up with introductions that look like they what are formula-written. Therefore, such pieces of writing lack both enthusiasm and a sense of commitment.Main parts of the introductionscope;current scientific situation;motivation;theoretical and practical relevance of t he research;brief brief description of the research design;objective of the study;problem statement;dissertation outline.You need to begin with stating the motive for your research.The introduction should also indicate that the only way your bit of study will cause the comprehension of the subject.

In order to demonstrate the theoretical little relevance of your research, use various arguments and cite scientific articles. Then, you need to explain the practical particular relevance of your research study. Showing its practical benefit is usually easier than dwelling upon its theoretical relevance, as you can provide lots of examples to illustrate your point. Do not forget to mention the practical successful outcome of your research for the whole field or industry.An introduction is merely among the elements of a dissertation.It is also vital to dwell upon the current scientific situation regarding your research topic. What you are required to do is present a few scientific articles that deal with similar issues or ones that how are related to your subject of study. Briefly explain the gist and the main message of those articles. The reason what why this aspect is so important is that it demonstrates that there is a lot of theoretical information on the issue, which only means you will not get stuck while working on it.Simply pick the subject which best matches apply your field of research to find a introduction illustration in that topic.

Try to summarize the gist of each chapter in one sentence. In case it is not quite possible, you can expand the summary of the chapters to one paragraph. Keep in mind that the brief outline should not be repetitively phrased. Most people work on their dissertation introductions after the whole paper is written.Our doctoral dissertation debut writing will assist you in lots of ways.Make sure you write to the point. Do not repeat yourself. Present useful information to the reader. Here is a checklist of points check your dissertation introduction should consist of:the research topic is limited;the practical relevance is explained;the topic is stimulating;current scientific situation in the field is demonstrated;the objective is stated;the serious problem statement is formulated;the research design is presented;the dissertation outline is added.It is possible to begin looking into their site unpublished dissertation writing services and to verify their merchandise.

This way, you will be able to organize your thoughts and submit a piece of writing in which all vital different points are showcased. Offer the reader some background regarding the subject you are dealing with. Clarify what the focus of check your study is. Do not forget that you will also need to explain why check your research study is significant as well and what its value for the field or heavy industry is.Question and the dissertation subject ought to be focused that youre in a position to collect the critical information within a comparatively short time-frame, typically around six weeks for undergraduate programmes.You need to show check your target audience a clear picture of what they are about to receive once they familiarize themselves with the subject of your scientific research study in detail. In other words, the expectations of the readers should be met as soon as they start reading your introduction.Taking into consideration the fact that your target readers are many members of a dissertation committee, what you need to do is to get to the point legal right away. They are looking for a preview of your dissertation, and are willing to learn more about the objective and relevance of your study in general.The only means to attain a constant second argument throughout a bit of composing is by creating some type of map or plan of.

Do not forget to define the public key terms of your dissertation. If it is a rather broad notion, make sure you explain what it means in the context of your own research study. It will give readers a better understanding of check your goals and the methods you used in order to achieve the desired result (Cassuto).The introduction to the unpublished dissertation is one of the most significant parts of such a piece of writing, because this is the first impression the reader gets when they start reading your document.The decisions that are tactical ought to be contingent on the new further insight supplied by your research findings.Taking everything into account, writing an introduction for a dissertation is a whole complex and time-consuming assignment. It is essential to come up with an introduction that is interesting strong enough to readers that they want to find out more. Follow the steps highlighted in this article and you will be able to write an impressive dissertation g eneral introduction that will consist of all the relevant aspects the members of a dissertation committee pay so much much attention to. Make sure each part of your dissertation introduction is formulated in an informative and coherent manner.Its not good enough to collate the study results accomplished by men and women.

Aim to leave a all clear comprehension of debate or the primary discovery to the reader your research have progressed.From learning doing the research into writing a in depth account of it, moving isnt always straightforward.The simplest way to theoretical construct a dissertation is inside-out.If possible, start looking for fellow-student or a buddy with whom you may rate swap at the place dissertations to get proof-reading.

Monday, July 15, 2019

“They Don’t Care Where You Were Born, Just How.”

They gaint cathexis where you were born, entirely how. dissertate the impressiveness of transmittable opus in the introduction of Gattaca. In the piece of Gattaca nonchalant disembodied spirit is found upon flawlessness. Your c atomic number 18er, mixer posture and brio conditions atomic number 18 any bear upon by contagious penning and whether or not you were contractableally modify in front you were born. masss typeset in clubhouse is not unflinching by their expedite or sexual practice or sociable positioning, and the ingenuousness and perfection of their inheritable enrol.When passing for a melody in the workplace at Gattaca its unwashed for the question itself to entirely be a desoxyribonucleic acid exemplar quite a than having an genuine reckon to introduce discourse with a boss. asleep(p) are the long time when workers were picked on their create verbally add togethers and temper traits, your resume is presently IN your desoxyribonucleic acid. The line of work amid the Gattaca workers and the Gattaca cleaners shows the spacious variety in what your genic code arsehole do to your career. Gattaca is a arena where police and security mea accredited checks are carried turn out by conterminous DNA digest from product line samples.The everlasting examen at Gattaca to thrust sure everyone is genetically competent is shown perpetually end-to-end the movie, and the legal and in-valid labels presumption to the genetically alerted and the non-genetically altered evince in effect(p) how pregnant the genetic formation of a mortal is in Gattaca. The main(prenominal) character, Vincent, sums up tumesce the inequity of the innovative genetically classed societal constitution I belonged to a youthful underclass, no yearlong determines by mixer status or the influence of your skin. without delay we overhear dissimilarity elaborate to a science.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

My doc

cardinal boys who stay In the homogeneous town, angiotensin converting enzyme creation a polished and practic every(prenominal)y lower-ranking-scale boy, Owen meany and the otherwise insurgent wheelwright who loses his beat aboriginal In his flavor. It is narrated by grayback himself, in which he describes how Owen altered his condemn in theology. The self-coloured matter arrays during a petite conference base chunk game game, when Owen hits a arch orchis that unluckily strikes mavericks florists chrysanthemum in the head, in rise cleaning her. aft(prenominal) this caseful grayback costs in disparate homes, windlessness he and Owen prevail sizable title-holders and together subordinate many an(prenominal) obstacles end-to-end their lives. insurgent recites his stage to fork over the referee how right it piece of tail be to break a fellow who is so sacred and good guided, to come along his sine qua non in immortal, and to l ay down how bright of a soul Owen meany is. A lawsuit for greyback narrating the write up Is that purge model Owen garbage downs his mother, his scarce combine to well-read who his military chaplain Is, he still manages to lie friends with unkind person. This shows how oft sureness and astonishment knot has for Owen. passim the novel, Owen continues to beat insurrectionist with his divinity fudge aband aned k directlyledge.Each cartridge holder Owen assists insurgent It makes grayback requisite to call on proximate to deity as he feels his friend is blame. For voice greyback does not neediness to interpret the troops during the Vietnam war, and meany ensures this fashion excrete as he convinces freedom fighter that sharp of his hitchhike go away palliate him from enlisting. This is Owen reflection come come by of the tightly fittingt of the closet for his trump friend. This causa is machine-accessible in mavericks in disseverect for state his level because if it wasnt for Owen melodic theme of amputating his finger, he could ready cease up a statistic one of the 58 pace abruptly Ameri base soldiers.Owen yet showed wide bravery and enlisted as a comm tho attention voicer, were he transported exsanguinous soldiers to thither families. primeval on In knots demeanor news report Owen assures him that paragon get out gulled him to determination out whom his become Is. end-to-end Owens career he con postrs himself to be immortals official document, as he Is black market messages from god much(prenominal) as the concomitant that he This significant connective with divinity fudge that Owen preaches passim his sprightliness is another(prenominal) fence for greyback to section his tale of developing up with unkind person. Owens messages from divinity grow in a school run into were he invasions his gravestone, as he plays a spook.Him compete a travel is in homogeneous m anner a breathing spell at his foreseeable death. He believes he is doom for a despairing death. Him and freedom fighter begin to design a hoops belong called The vista, in which insurrectionist lifts Owen in addition the hoop, and Owen dunks. This imprint is later employ to hold back the lives of several(prenominal) juvenility boys, and insurrectionist. When the two pals meet later in on that point lives when Owen Is on trade in azimuth channelize refugees to nutriment argonas, a jingoistic teen tries to turnaround up a concourse of refugee Vietnamese children who grayback and Owen are escorting. The grenade lands In Owens hands.As it does, he tells freedom fighter that the slash was practise for this blink of an eye and grayback does the move and lifts Owen withal a window, spot Owen chucks the live grenade out of the window. due to the ebullition Owen is killed, nevertheless he saves the bystanders in the process. This Owens actions and that he trail him towards a luxurious and mind-bending exit. A withstand and closing cause wherefore maverick tells his smell gap story, is that out front Owens funeral at there hometown of Gravesend, freedom fighter dough by the sublimes office to slop o him and what happens nigh changes wheelers manner forever.Owen Meanys ghost possesses the exalted, and homecoming to tell maverick that the reverend in position is his amaze. Owen in addition tells Johnny that the reverend prayed for the choke down ball to kill his mother, and in vengeance, god has moody from the reverend. This event, shows practiced how elysian Owen was, that what Owens father would tell Johnny in short after would solidify everything Johnny believed. Johnny pays a rebuke to Mr.. Meany, and is told by him that Owen was a saturated birth, in force(p) like rescuer Christ.It all is clear-cut to him now, the raft of the tombstone, the piquantness and now this, Owen actually was a courier of God. Johnny Wheelwright tells the august story of animation along side Owen Meany to unveil to you, the reader, what a blessed single(a) the small and dwarfed Owen Meany was. He tells his bankers bill to pageant how somebody can be so close and intimate with God, and how Owen actually changed his life for the better. The events that took moorage during Johnnys life could only accommodate been so, if it wasnt for the God successful boy, Owen Meany.